Manhattan-based fine artist Daniel I. Scharfman is a painter and photographer working on several contemporary art projects.
I paint from models to break the solitude of my art practice. The process is also about performance. The paper or canvas is affixed to the wall. The model stands off to my side, positioned so he or she can also watch the process. We talk. We listen to music. We share a few hours or a few sessions. It is collaboration, a conversation. I paint them life size, from the eyes down — so they are all of equal height and power. The work records an interaction between strangers.
I am equally drawn by the potency of found objects, of found pictures. Objects and images entertain us, comfort us — record our lives. They define us. We mark our boundaries with them. We discard them. They are both dated and timeless. Objects outlive us. Long after we are gone they decay with a timeless disinterest.
I make pictures to help me explore and extend the perimeter.
Self portrait
Daniel Scharfman is a fine artist living in New York City. He has been actively painting since 2008.
2020 — MvVO Ad Art Show, on digital screens at The Oculus, New York, NY
2019 — MvVO Ad Art Show, on digital AdLink screens and screens at The Oculus,
New York, NY
2018 — MvVO Ad Art Show at Sotheby's, New York, NY
2017 — Studio Visit Magazine, Volume Forty
2013 — A Fine Line: Contemporary Drawing, Claypool-Young Gallery, Morehead State University
2009 —Semifinalist, Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
Daniel Scharfman owns a graphic design consulting firm in Manhattan and earned his BFA from The Cooper Union.